Four MFIC Sisters – Srs Catherine White, Pauline Robinson, Moya Byrne, and Francine Shaw – attended the three day conference in Melbourne. Franciscan Schools Australia is a support organisation which helps the staff of Franciscan established schools and school with a Franciscan patron to learn more about the Franciscan heritage. Sr Pauline has been the co-ordinator of FSA for ten years. It is sponsored by the MFIC Sisters. The Conference this year focussed on St Clare and featured keynote addresses by Sr Joanne Shatzlein of the US. Her keynote addresses were as follows. 1. Clare Gazes into her Mirror – Clare as Medieval woman, daughter, penitent, spouse and follower of St Francis. 2. Clare: Mirror of Christ to All – Clare’s prayer life including the San Damiano Cross, community life with her sisters, healing ministry and consoler/friend. 3. Clare: Light Bearer for our World Today – Clare the author, Teacher, Leader and Saint